Week 4
Blog 5- Finalising the design through visuals.
For the past few days, I have been taking my time creating these collages. It was crucial that I got these just right, not only for my clients sake, but for me too. I wanted to find a presentation technique that I actually enjoy and most importantly gained confidence in. I am so glad that I took my time doing these and that these are my final visuals, rather than my Sketchup. In my opinion, these collages create depth with in the room and allow the client to visualise what kind of textures are in the room, which is so important right now, as I cannot meet them in person with textured mood boards. I have managed to create depth perception in these collages which make the client feel like they are in the room.
It wasn’t until I started writing this blog that I realised how effective this technique was. The images below, show the difference between Sketchup and collaging.